What to Know Before Getting a Dog
Be mindful of what to know before getting a dog so your furry friend can be well taken care of. Pet-proofing is one of the top things to consider.
Getting a puppy on your birthday or on Christmas sounds like a lovely treat. Many people dream of getting a pet without knowing the things to consider before getting a dog. The surge for online searches for dog peaks during the holiday season. Many buy pets around November, and sadly, the abandonment of dogs reaches its peak between December 23 and 27. Be mindful of what to know before getting a dog so your furry friend can be well taken care of.
Pet-proofing and Dog Training
Pet-proofing is one of the top things to consider before getting a dog. This is to keep your pet, your furniture, and other household items safe. Foods that may be toxic for your pet needs to be kept out of reach. Before getting a dog, keep away from vertical blinds and hanging cords to prevent accidents. Cover expensive furniture to avoid being scratched, chewed on, or jumped on by your dog.
When thinking of the things to know before getting a dog, never forget dog training. Train your dog as early as possible. A puppy may develop bad habits like chewing on your favorite shoes or on your rug. To avoid these scenarios, extensive training should be given to your puppy at home or at a puppy school.

Healthcare and Lifetime Costs
Dogs live long with an average lifespan of 13 years. The costs are high and funding is one of the main things to consider before getting a dog. You need funds in taking care of dogs throughout their life stages. A dog costs about £400-£900 upon purchase, and regular visits to the vet will be another cost on top of food, water, and dog accessories. You spend a lifetime cost of about £16,900 just by owning a dog, and this can go higher or level depending on your dog’s health, breed, and size.
Health care costs are just some of the things to know before getting a dog. To ensure that your dog can live long and healthy, visit a vet that you can trust. Aside from healthy days, there will be days for emergencies. Your dog is a living thing that gets hurt and sick just like you do. Make sure that your dogs are vaccinated.
What do you need for a dog is health insurance to avoid spending a lot of money each time your dog needs medical care. Also, see to it that your dog gets daily exercise. Some dogs need more time for exercise than other breeds.
Making Adjustments
One of the important factors on what to know before getting a dog is doing your research. Before getting a puppy, choose a dog breed that will match your current lifestyle and environment. Make their surroundings conducive for them by considering your family structure, living arrangements, and the surrounding area. Knowing how to entertain a dog will also be of help, as well as learning if ice cubes are bad for dogs.
Getting a dog means sacrificing time for them. It’s like having your own child that you have to look after. You may be accustomed to leaving your home for a fun weekend before, but now you have to think about who can look after your dog while you’re away. This makes choosing a professional pet-sitter more relevant than ever.

If you’d like to give your child or children a puppy, then a surprise present may not be the best way to do it. Your child needs to meet the dog first before you can decide whether you can take the dog. You may not be aware of it but many dogs are cautious of young kids. In the long run, they may not get along well so set an initial interaction before making a buying decision.
Above are the things for what to know before getting a dog. Knowing what do you need for a dog is essential because your dog is a family member that needs love and care. After all, a dog is a man’s best friend.